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Display IFS Directory Utility

Display IFS directory. Output to display, printer or file.


             CMD        PROMPT('List IFS Directory')

             PARM       KWD(DIR) TYPE(*PNAME) LEN(256) MIN(1) +
                          PROMPT('Directory Name')
             PARM       KWD(OUTPUT) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1) RSTD(*YES) +
                          DFT(*) SPCVAL((*) (*PRINT P) (*OUTFILE +
                          F)) PROMPT('Output')
                          PROMPT('File to receive output')

 Q1:         QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) MIN(1)
             QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) MIN(1)


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     H DftActGrp(*No)
     H BndDir( 'QC2LE' )
      * Module Name   : DIR
      * Description   : Display IFS directory. Output to display, printer
      *                 or file.
      *                 Example DIR('home/peter')
      * Created by    : Peter Connell
      * Date          : 26/11/1999
      * CPP for DIR command


      * Prototype for API procedures
     Dlstat            PR            10I 0 EXTPROC('lstat')
     D                                 *   VALUE
     D                                 *   VALUE

     Dopendir          PR              *   EXTPROC('opendir')
     D                                 *   VALUE

     Dreaddir          PR              *   EXTPROC('readdir')
     D                                 *   VALUE

     Dclosedir         PR            10I 0 EXTPROC('closedir')
     D                                 *   VALUE

     D SndPgmMsg       PR              N
     D Qmsgid                         7    CONST
     D Qmsgf                         20    CONST
     D Qmsg                         128    CONST
     D Qmsgtp                        10    CONST OPTIONS(*NOPASS)

      * Prototypes for retrieving error generated by procedure call
     D StrErr          PR              *   ExtProc( 'strerror' )
     D  Err                          10I 0 Value

     D ErrTxt          PR            79
     D                                1    Options( *Omit )

     D GetErr          PR              *   ExtProc( '__errno' )
     D                                1    Options( *Omit )

     D*** stat data structure returned by procedure lstat()
     D StatDS          DS           128
     D  st_mode                      10U 0
     D  st_ino                       10U 0
     D  st_nlink                      5U 0
     D  reserved1                     2A
     D  st_uid                       10U 0
     D  st_gid                       10U 0
     D  st_size                      10U 0
     D  st_atime                     10U 0
     D  st_mtime                     10U 0
     D  st_ctime                     10U 0
     D  st_dev                       10U 0
     D  st_blksize                   10I 0
     D  st_allocsize                 10I 0
     D  st_objtype                   10A
     D  reserved2                     2A
     D  st_codepage                   5U 0
     D  st_reserved1                 62A
     D  st_ino_gen_id                10U 0

     D*** direntry data structure returned by procedure readdir()
     D DirEntry        DS
     D d_reserved1                   16A
     D d_fileno_genid                10U 0
     D d_fileno                      10U 0
     D d_reclen                      10U 0
     D d_reserved3                   10I 0
     D d_reserved4                    6A
     D d_reserved5                    2A
     D d_ccsid                       10I 0
     D d_country_id                   2A
     D d_language_id                  3A
     D d_nls_reserved                 3A
     D d_namelen                     10U 0
     D d_name                       640A

     D Null            S              1A   Inz(X'00')
     D ReturnInt       S             10I 0
     D ReturnDir       S               *
     D PtrToEntry      S               *
     D RtnEntry        S                   BASED(PtrToEntry) Like(DirEntry)
     D EntryName       S            120A
     D EntryPath       S            256A
     D CmdLine         S            512
     D CmdLen          S             15  5
     D HHMMSS          S              6  0
     D DirError        C                   'Error occurred when attempting to -
     D                                     open directory'

      * Input Parameters
     D DirName         S            100A
     D FullName        S            256A
     D Option          S              1A

      * Work variables
     D OutFile         DS
     D  OutFilNam                    10
     D  OutFilLib                    10

     D ObjVar          S             90
     D ObjVarLen       S             10I 0 Inz(%size(ObjVar))
     D ObjVarFmt       S              8
     D ObjTyp          S             10

     D APIERR          DS
     D  ERRSIZ                 1      4B 0 INZ(256)
     D  ERRLEN                 5      8B 0 INZ(0)
     D  ERRMIC                 9     15
     D  ERRNBR                16     16
     D  ERRDTA                17    272

     D PSDS           SDS           512

     C                   Eval      FullName = %trimr(DirName) + Null
      * Open directory
     C                   Eval      ReturnDir = opendir(%addr(FullName))

      * Terminate if error occurred when opening directory
     C                   If        ReturnDir = *Null
     C                   Callp     SndPgmMsg('CPF9898':'QCPFMSG'
     C                                       :ErrTxt(*Omit))
     C                   Eval      *inlr = *on
     C                   Return
     C                   Endif
      * Open file for output
     C                   Open      QSYSPRT

     C                   If        Option <> 'F'
     C                   Eval      *inOF = *on
     C                   Endif

     C                   Dou       PtrToEntry = *Null
      * Read next directory entry
     C                   Eval      PtrToEntry  = readdir(ReturnDir)

      * Directory entry name is in field d_name
     C                   If        PtrToEntry <> *Null
     C                   Eval      DirEntry = RtnEntry
      * Get directory entry name
     C                   Eval      EntryName = %str(%addr(d_name))

      * Determine object type of entry
     C                   Eval      EntryPath = %trim(DirName) + '/'
     C                             + %trimr(EntryName) + Null
     C                   Eval      ReturnInt = lstat(%addr(EntryPath)
     C                                         : %addr(StatDS))
      * Print entry
     C                   Except    DirLine
     C                   Endif

     C                   Enddo

      * Close directory and printer file
     C                   Eval      ReturnInt = closedir(ReturnDir)
     C                   Close     QSYSPRT

      * Display spool file if requested
     C                   If        Option = '*'
     C                   Eval      CmdLine = 'DSPSPLF QSYSPRT * *LAST'
     C                   Eval      CmdLen = %len(%trim(CmdLine))
     C                   Call      'QCMDEXC'     Qcmdexc
      * Delete spool file
     C                   Eval      CmdLine = 'DLTSPLF QSYSPRT * *LAST'
     C                   Eval      CmdLen = %len(%trim(CmdLine))
     C                   Call      'QCMDEXC'     Qcmdexc

     C                   Endif

     C                   Eval      *inlr = *on

     C     *Inzsr        Begsr

     C     *Entry        Plist
     C                   Parm                    DirName
     C                   Parm                    Option
     C                   Parm                    OutFile

     C     Qcmdexc       Plist
     C                   Parm                    CmdLine
     C                   Parm                    CmdLen

     C                   TIME                    HHMMSS

     C                   If        Option = 'F'

      * Check if outfile exists
     C                   Call      'QUSROBJD'
     C                   Parm                    ObjVar
     C                   Parm                    ObjVarLen
     C                   Parm      'OBJD0100'    ObjVarFmt
     C                   Parm                    OutFile
     C                   Parm      '*FILE'       ObjTyp
     C                   Parm                    APIERR

      * Error if library does not exist
     C                   If        ERRMIC = 'CPF9810'
     C                   Callp     SndPgmMsg('CPF9810':'QCPFMSG'
     C                                       :OutFilLib:'*ESCAPE')
     C                   Endif

      * Create outfile if necessary
     C                   If        ERRMIC = 'CPF9812'
     C                   Eval      CmdLine = 'CRTPF FILE('
     C                             + %trimr(OutFilLib) + '/'
     C                             + %trimr(OutFilNam) + ')'
     C                             + ' RCDLEN(132)'
     C                   Eval      CmdLen = %len(%trim(CmdLine))
     C                   Call      'QCMDEXC'     Qcmdexc
     C                   Else
      * Clear outfile
     C                   Eval      CmdLine = 'CLRPFM FILE('
     C                             + %trimr(OutFilLib) + '/'
     C                             + %trimr(OutFilNam) + ')'
     C                   Eval      CmdLen = %len(%trim(CmdLine))
     C                   Call      'QCMDEXC'     Qcmdexc
     C                   Endif

     C                   Eval      CmdLine = 'OVRPRTF QSYSPRT TOFILE('
     C                             + %trimr(OutFilLib) + '/'
     C                             + %trimr(OutFilNam) + ')'
     C                             + ' CTLCHAR(*NONE)'

     C                   Eval      CmdLen = %len(%trim(CmdLine))
     C                   Call      'QCMDEXC'     Qcmdexc

     C                   Endif

     C                   Endsr

     OQSYSPRT   H    OF                     1 03
     O                       *Date         Y     59
     O                       HHMMSS              68 '  :  :  '
     O                                           73 'Page'
     O                       Page          Z     78
     O          H    OF                     2 03
     O                                           19 'Directory List for'
     O                       DirName            120

     OQSYSPRT   EF           DirLine
     O                       st_objtype          10
     O                       EntryName          132

      * Send pgm message
     P SndPgmMsg       B
     D                 PI              N
     D Msgid                          7    CONST
     D Msgf                          20    CONST
     D Msgdta                       128    CONST
     D Msgtp                         10    CONST OPTIONS(*NOPASS)

      * Work variables
     D Qmsgid          S              7
     D Qmsgf           S             20
     D Qmsgdta         S            128
     D Qmsgln          S             10I 0
     D Qmsgtp          S             10
     D Qmsgq           S             10
     D Qmsgqn          S             10I 0      INZ(3)
     D Qmsgky          S              4
     D Qmsger          S             15

      * Insert default for library if msg file library is blank
     C                   Eval      Qmsgid = Msgid
     C                   Eval      Qmsgf = Msgf
     C                   Eval      Qmsgdta = Msgdta
     C                   If        %subst(Qmsgf:11:10) = *blank
     C                   Eval      %subst(Qmsgf:11:10) = '*LIBL'
     C                   Endif
     C                   Eval      Qmsgln = %len(%trim(Qmsgdta))
     C                   Eval      Qmsgq = '*'
     C                   Eval      Qmsgtp = '*DIAG'
     C                   If        %parms > 3
     C                   Eval      Qmsgtp = Msgtp
     C                   Endif
     C                   If        Qmsgtp = '*STATUS'
     C                   Eval      Qmsgq = '*EXT'
     C                   Endif

     C                   Call      'QMHSNDPM'                           99
     C                   Parm                    Qmsgid                     Msg ID
     C                   Parm                    Qmsgf                      Msg file
     C                   Parm                    Qmsgdta                    Msg text
     C                   Parm                    Qmsgln                     Msg length
     C                   Parm                    Qmsgtp                     Msg type
     C                   Parm                    Qmsgq                      Pgm queue
     C                   Parm                    Qmsgqn                     Pgm lvl
     C                   Parm                    Qmsgky                     Msg key
     C                   Parm      *LOVAL        Qmsger                     Error field

     C                   Return    *on
     P                 E

      * Return the previous API function's error in text format
     P ErrTxt          B                   Export

     D ErrTxt          PI            79
     D  DummyParm                     1    Options( *Omit )

      * Local variable(s)
     D ErrNo           S             10I 0 Based( ErrNoPtr )
     D RetChr          S             79
     D Chr300          S            300    Based( Chr300Ptr )

     C                   Eval      ErrNoPtr  = GetErr( *Omit )
     C                   Eval      Chr300Ptr = StrErr( ErrNo )
     C                   Eval      RetChr    = %Str( Chr300Ptr )
     C                   Return    RetChr

     P ErrTxt          E

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Tips and Techniques accumulated by Thomas Bishop from various sources including, but not limited to, Midrange-L, RPG-L, Midrange Computing, and News/400.
Copyright © 2002  [Thomas Bishop]. All rights reserved. Revised: August 11, 2001.