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Clean up your MONMSG
Simon Coulter wrote: You should also remove the MCH3601 message from the joblog. There is no point in cluttering the joblog with unnecessary messages. That is the difference between a good programmer and a merely competent one. You should be coding: CHGVAR VAR(&IPNAME) VALUE(&RIPNAME) MONMSG MSGID(MCH3601) EXEC(DO) RCVMSG MSGTYPE(*EXCP) ENDDO or MONMSG MSGID(MCH3601) EXEC(RCVMSG MSGTYPE(*EXCP)) The same thing is true for all instances where messages are monitored and handled in the program. A classic example is CHKOBJ followed by MONMSG and then a CRTxxx command. Clean up the joblog. A certain automated operations software house should practice this technique.
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