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Edit source in CODE Editor (browse or edit) and Designer straight from PDM by Craig Strong
Good on both STRCODE and autostart server environments. CALL PGM(QDEVTOOLS/EVFCFDBK) PARM('37' 'Y' 'OS400' 'CODEEDIT " <>lib/fil(mbr)" /M Y /N'). Browsing? Then substitute CODEEDIT with CODEBRWS with /N only. Designing? Then substitute CODEEDIT with CODEDSU with no options. The empty <> looks for the first server (or enter a server here). The /M Y means to lock the member. The /N indicates to retain sequence numbers. I suggest adding these to a CL with options coded then put it in a command and add options to user-defined options of PDM (F16). You might also want to add some lines for changing the current library to a unique current library and then restore current library back (per user) in that CL. Then, if you want to open in SEU, use "2", CODE, use "B", "E", or "D" (or whatever options you want).
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