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Backwards and Upside Down Text
From: THE INTERNET TUTOR Thursday, December 4, 2003 by Boogie Jack Backwards and Upside Down Text Note: In code examples I add a period after each left arrow bracket so the code can be viewed in all email pro- grams. If you copy and paste, be sure to remove the periods or it won't work. For the next issue or three, I'll show you some text tricks that very few people know about. Using filters, you can have text appear backwards or upside down on a web page. Just imagine how puzzled that will make some of your visitors. You could play a trick year round, or just save it for April Fools Day. Here's how: <.span style="width: 180; height: 40; font-size: 16px; font-family: Arial; color: #000000; filter: fliph">I'd be backwards!<./span> This would print the words, "I'd be backwards" in reverse on a web page viewed with Internet Explorer, which accounts for over 90 percent of the browsers in use. Change the "fliph" to "flipv" to have text appear upside down instead of backwards. To SUBSCRIBE:
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