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Math Functions in RPG
Q. Is it possible to perform higher math functions in RPG, such as exponentials, cos(x), sin(x), and so on?A. Exponentiation is available directly using the ** operator (e.g., x=y**z). All other higher math functions (including exponentiation) are available in RPG by calling C functions in directory QC2LE. You can view sample RPG code that calls the Cosine function in the Redbook "Who Knew You Could Do That with RPG IV? A Sorcerer's Guide to System Access and More," which is viewable and downloadable at
Here is a list of math functions in QC2LE:
- acos - Arc cosine function.
- asin - Arc sine function.
- atan - Arc tangent function.
- atan2 - Arc tangent function.
- ceil - Round to smallest integral value greater than or equal to.
- cos - Cosine function.
- cosh - Hyperbolc cosine function.
- exp - Exponentiation function.
- fabs - Floating point absolute value function.
- floor - Round to largest integral value not greater than.
- fmod - Floating point remainder function.
- frexp - Convert floating point number to fractional and integral components.
- ldexp - Multiply a floating point number by an integral power of two.
- log - Natural logarithm function.
- log10 - Base 10 logarithm function.
- modf - Extract signed integral and fractional parts from a floating point number.
- pow - Compute the first argument to the power of the second.
- sin - Sine function.
- sinh - Hyperbolic sine function.
- sqrt - Square root function.
- tan - Tangent function.
- tanh - Hyperbolic tangent function.
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