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iSeries IP Networks: Dynamic!
IBM has included numerous scenarios in which problems are defined and solutions offered in a detailed step-by-step fashion. This Redbook also has four useful downloadable utilities: IP Tool This utility writes all interactive jobs and their corresponding IP address to a physical file. PortScan This performs a portscan of the given host name or IP address. The original source was found at . TelnetExitProgram This is an exit program that maps an IP address to a specific device name. EmailMsg This utility checks for certain messages in a specified message queue and sends an e-mail to a specified e-mail address when a monitored message is received in the queue. These utilities, which are still in preliminary form, are available at . Here's a summary of the Table of Contents: Part 1. Zen and the art of dynamic IP Chapter 1. An introduction to the protocols at hand Chapter 2. Interfaces, routes, and Virtual IP Chapter 3. IPv6: The next generation of the Internet Chapter 4. Multilink Protocol Chapter 5. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Chapter 6. Routing Information Protocol Version 2 (RIPv2) Chapter 7. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Chapter 8. Dynamic Domain Name System (Dynamic DNS) Chapter 9. Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Chapter 10. Quality of Service (QoS) Chapter 11. Telnet on the iSeries server Chapter 12. File Transfer Protocol Chapter 13. iSeries mail services Chapter 14. Time protocols and applications Chapter 15. TCP/IP printing Chapter 16. Problem determination Part 2. Scenarios Chapter 17. Defining adaptable TCP/IP interfaces and routes Chapter 18. Virtual Ethernet within LPAR environment Chapter 19. Multilink in action Chapter 20. Secured networks Chapter 21. DHCP: Dynamic allocation of IP addresses Chapter 22. Dynamic PPP scenarios Chapter 23. Dynamic DNS scenarios Chapter 24. QoS scenarios Chapter 25. Terminal emulation scenarios Chapter 26. Telnet exit point scenario Chapter 27. Transferring files between systems Chapter 28. Internet printing scenarios Chapter 29. Using iSeries mail services Chapter 30. Time synchronization scenario Part 3. Appendixes Appendix A. Additional material Appendix B. IPv6 reference information You can download the preliminary update of this Redbook at .
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