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Compute Number of days between two dates in SQL/400.
To calculate the number of days between two dates with SQL/400, use the Days scalar function to convert the dates before subtracting. The Days function takes a date argument
and returns the number of days since January 1, 0001.
You can use the following SQL statement to produce a table such as the one shown below:
Select CustID, OrderID, SaleDate, ShipDate, ( Days( ShipDate ) - Days( SaleDate ) ) As DaysToShip From Sale Where ShipDate Is Not Null Order By CustID, DaysToShip DescBe careful not to use an expression like the one below, which results in a date duration:
ShipDate - SaleDate
Subtracting one date from another in SQL/400 produces a date duration, an eight-digit number in the form yyyymmdd. The following examples show the date durations that result when you use the previous expression for sample column values:
Select CustID, OrderID, SaleDate, ShipDate, ( Days( ShipDate ) - Days( SaleDate ) ) As DaysToShip From Sale Where ShipDate Is Not Null Order By CustID, DaysToShip Desc SaleDate ShipDate ShipDate - SaleDate 1996-05-01 1996-05-15 14 1995-05-01 1996-05-15 10014 (1 year, 0 months, 14 days)
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