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Restoring a SAVF that was burned to a CD
This assumes you already copied the savf to your PC. 1. Burn the savefile to a CD, being certain to specify a Volume ID and filename in ALL UPPERCASE. (For this example, a Volume ID of "VOLUME" has been used) To copy the SAVF from the CD to your AS/400: 2. Load the CD into the AS/400. 3. Determine the AS/400 filename of the file on the CD by using the WRKLNK command as follows: WRKLNK OBJ('/QOPT') Select option 5 next to QOPT Select option 5 next to the Volume ID Note the filename (For this example, a filename of C1P250~1.SVF has been used) 4. Create a savefile on the AS/400 (For this example, LIBRARY/SAVF is the name of the savefile) 5. Run the CPYFRMSTMF command as follows: CPYFRMSTMF FROMSTMF('/QOPT/VOLUME/C1P250~1.SVF') TOMBR('/QSYS.LIB/LIBRARY.LIB/SAVF.FILE') MBROPT(*REPLACE) Replace VOLUME with your Volume ID Replace C1P250~1.SVF with your filename Replace LIBRARY with the library name that your savefile is in Replace SAVF with the name of your savefile (From Zak Metz.)
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