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STRINFSKR - Start the Info Seeker
For those who are working under OS V4R4, here the steps to start the info seeker from the green screen itself . this following tip I got it from my local IBM.
TRY THIS: To start InfoSeeker, the QBMGINFSKR data area has to be created in the QUSRSYS library on the AS/400. The instructions below will show you step-by-step how to create and display the QBMGINFSKR data area.
To use InfoSeeker, follow the steps below: Logon into QSECOFR to your V4R4 machine and... 1. Create a Data Area called QBMGINFSKR. i. Create a data area QBMGINFSKR by using CRTDTAARA command, in library QUSRSYS with type *CHAR. ii. Press ENTER key. 2. Verify the Data Area Exists: i. Type DSPDTAARA and hit F4 ii. In the Data Area field type in QBMGINFSKR iii. In the Library field type in QUSRSYS iv. Hit Enter v. The data area, QBMGINFSKR should exist. A message should be displayed that tells the user about the existence of the data area. vi. If the data area does not exist, repeat step 1 again 3. Start InfoSeeker: i. Type in STRINFSKR on your AS/400 command line. ii. The data area should be found and InfoSeeker should start.
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