XML, XSLT, RSS, and Web Services Tips, Techniques, and Articles
Return to list of categories.- A Fast Path to XML Integration with DB2 for iSeries
- Advances in XML by Joe Pluta
- An Introduction To Processing XML With RPG, Part 1: The Basics
- An Introduction to Processing XML With RPG, Part 2
- An Introduction to Processing XML with RPG, Part 3
- An Introduction to Processing XML with RPG, Part 4
- Building a REST service with integrated web services server for IBM i: Part 1
- Building a REST service with integrated web services server for IBM i: Part 2
- Building a REST service with integrated web services server for IBM i: Part 3
- Composing An XML Document From Relational Data: Part 1
- Composing An XML Document From Relational Data: Part 2
- Display QCDRCMDD XML Output Using XSLT Stylesheet
- Getting Started With IBM i And .Net XMLSERVICE Connectivity
- Getting Started With the XML Data Type Using DB2 for IBM i
- Guru: DB2 For i XML Composition And The IFS
- How to Use XML Data Type With DB2 for IBM i
- Implement a Service-Oriented Architecture with REST APIs
- Introduction to Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) by Mike Faust
- K.I.S.S. XML by David Andruchuk
- New XLPARSER4 Tool Supports XLSX Format
- Processing XML on iSeries aka System i aka AS400, Part 1
- Processing XML on iSeries aka System i aka AS400, Part 2
- RSS Learning Guide
- SOAP, WDSL, HTTP, XSD? What the? by Aaron Bartell
- The Basics Of XML-SAX
- Unleash Your IBM i with XMLSERVICE
- Use a UDTF and SQL to Query XML Files by Jagannath Lenka
- Using RPG to exploit IBM DB2 XML support
- What's All the Fuss About XML? By Susan Gantner and Jon Paris
- XML and Binary Data by Andrey Butov
- XML-INTO And Optional Elements
- XMLi - building XML within RPG Programs