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MSF (SMTP Mail Server) Chokes under load
To clean up mangled mail in the IBM SMTP environment you create a data area like this:
crtdtaara dtaara(qusrsys/qtmsclean) type(*char) len(1) value(C) aut(*all)You need to stop and restart the SMTP server using the ENDTCPSVR and STRTCPSVR command. To clean up mangled mail in the MSF area you need to stop MSF (ENDMSG command) then use the *CLEAR option on when starting it:
strmsf option(*clear)
Depending on the API you are using to send mail you may also need to restart the SNADS distribution queue:
snddstq dstq(qsmtpq) pty(*normal) snddstq dstq(qsntpq) pty(*high)
You will know that the clear was successful when SMTP deletes the data queue after the clear.
A special thank you to Bruce Hobbs for sending me a correction to the above tip.
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