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Validating email addresses
Question: Can I a DNS lookup inside an RPGLE or CL program?
Yes you can. The following code does it the reverse way, finding the host name for a given IP address.
You could change the gethostbyaddr() function to gethostbynam() and make the needed changes.
PGM PARM(&IP) DCL VAR(&IP) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(15) DCL VAR(&HOST) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(64) CALL PGM(GETHOST1) PARM(&IP &HOST) SNDPGMMSG MSG('The host name for TCP/IP address ' || + &IP *BCAT 'is ' || &HOST) ENDPGM *=================================================================== * Bryan Dietz Some of the code borrowed from others * * 3X Corp. * * * *==================================================================* hdebug dftactgrp( *no ) bnddir( 'QC2LE' ) Dinet_addr PR 10U 0 ExtProc('inet_addr') D IPAddr * Value DGetHostByAddr PR * ExtProc('gethostbyaddr') D HostEnt * Value D AddrLen 5I 0 Value D AddrType 5I 0 Value DSysInfDS SDS D CurDevice 244 253 DRcvVar DS D Protocol 859 859 D IPAddress 878 892 DRcvLen S 9B 0 DFormat S 8 DDevice S 10 DIPAddr S * DHostEnt S * DHostAddr S * DAddrLen S 5I 0 DAddrType S 5I 0 DHostEntS DS Based(HostEntP) D HostNPtr * DHostName S 64 Based(HostNameP) DHostAddrS DS Based(HostAddrP) D IP32Addr 10U 0 DAF_INET S 5I 0 Inz(2) DSpaces S 64 Inz(*Blanks) DAPIError DS D NbrBytes 1 4B 0 Inz(15) D CPFID 9 15 ***************************************************************** C *Entry PList C Parm P#IPAddress 15 C Parm P#IPName 64 * Get IP-name c Eval IPAddress = P#IPAddress C Eval HostEntP = %Addr(HostEnt) C Eval HostAddrP = %Addr(HostAddr) C Eval IP32Addr = inet_addr(%Addr(IPAddress)) C Eval AddrLen = %Size(HostAddrS) C Eval AddrType = AF_INET C Eval HostEntP = GetHostByAddr(HostAddrP: C AddrLen: C AddrType) C HostEntP IfEq *NULL C Eval P#IPName = Spaces C Else C Eval HostNameP = HostNPtr C Eval P#IPName = HostName C X'00':X'40' XLate P#IPName P#IPName C EndIf * Return parameters C Eval P#IPAddress = IPAddress C SetOn Lr C Return
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