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FTP Problem
Q. When I FTP a database file from one AS/400 to another, records and some data are often missing. Is there a bug in FTP?
A. There's no support in FTP for special numeric formats such as packed decimal and zoned decimal. To send a file that contains these formats, you must use either a transfer type of TYPE I (BINARY) or TYPE E (EBCDIC) with a transmission mode of BLOCK; these transfer types send the data "as is" without requiring conversion. Other transfer type results are unpredictable. In addition, you must create the file on the target AS/400 (using DDS source) before transferring the data.
You can also save the file in a save file, FTP (in binary mode) the save file to a save file on the target AS/400, and then restore the file on the target system.
To transfer an AS/400 externally described file with special numeric formats to a non-AS/400 system, you must first copy the file to a file without these formats (printable form) and then FTP this temporary file to the non-AS/400 system.
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