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Syncronize AS/400 time with a NIST time server
Submitted by PDrula (at) covenanthouse (dot) org Hi! I guess the code is to big to be posted so i've attached a file. The idea is not mine, i've got from somewhere but i just don't remember were - therefore i can not take credit for everything :). /*?**************************************************************?*/ /*?1.?Create a dummy file for the compile requirement. */ /* CRTPF FILE(QTemp/FtpTimeLog) RCDLEN(132)? */ /*?2.?Add a new memebr to QTXTSRC in QGPL called FtpTimeCmd */ /* ?If you don't have QTXTSRC source file do: */ /* CRTSRCPF FILE(QGPL/QTXTSRC) MBR(FtpTimeCmd) ? */ /*?3.?Add one records to member FtpTimeCmd: */ /* quit? */ /*?4.?Create CLLE program: */ /* CRTBNDCL PGM(QGPL/FTP_TIME) SRCFILE(QGPL/QCLSRC) LOG(*YES)? */ /*?**************************************************************?*/ /* */ /* FTP to one of the time servers used by the NIST Internet Time */ /* Service (ITS) and capture the text, which contains the current */ /* UTC time. Then set the system time. */ /* See */ /* */ /* The table below lists the time servers used by the NIST Internet */ /* Time Service (ITS). */ /* The table lists each server name, IP address, and location. */ /* It is probably safest to use the IP addresses instead of the domain */ /* names when accessing them. */ /* See */ /* */ /* They all work using STRTCPFTP Port 13, from what i've seen, without */ /* having to enter a user name and password. */ /* Gotta try UDP port 123 - (using NTP format) */ /* */ /*?Name IP Location */ /*?=========================== ============== ========================= */ /* ? ?NIST, Gaithersburg, */ /* ?Maryland */ /* ? ?NIST, Gaithersburg, */ /* ?Maryland */ /* ?NIST, Boulder, Colorado */ /* ?NIST, Boulder, Colorado */ /* ?NIST, Boulder, Colorado */ /* ? of Colorado, */ /* ?Boulder */ /* ? ?NCAR, Boulder, Colorado */ /* ? ?Microsoft, Redmond, */ /* ?Washington */ /* ? ?Datum, San Jose, */ /* ?California */ /* ? ?Abovenet, Virginia */ /* ? ?Abovenet, New York City */ /* ?, San Jose, */ /* ?California */ /* ?, AOL facility, */ /* ?Sunnyvalle, California */ /* ?, AOL facility, */ /* ?Virginia */ /* */ /********************************************************************** */ /* Note: Job must run with authority that can CHGSYSVAL QTIME */ /* This program requires you correctly set the SYSVAL */ /* QUTCOFFSET for your time zone. */ /* Go to to see the time zone offset value. */ /* */ /* It is scheduled to run in the System Job Scheduler (WRKJOBSCDE) */ /* each SunDay, at 02:00AM, as follow: */ /* */ /* Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . FRQ *WEEKLY */ /* Schedule date, or . . . . . . . SCDDATE *NONE */ /* Schedule day . . . . . . . . . . SCDDAY *SUN */ /* + for more Values */ /* Schedule time . . . . . . . . . SCDTIME '02:00:01' */ /* */ /*******************************************************************/ /* That's it, folks! */ /* If T1 line goes down (GLOBIX), all bets are off! */ /* */ /* (man, i didn't write so much comments in ages! Hey, watta heck, */ /* wifey's still cooking the turkey :) */ /*******************************************************************/ PGM /*?Local Variables?*/ Dcl Var(&Update) Type(*LGL) Value('1') /* Switch + 0=no update, 1=update */ Dcl Var(&DST) Type(*Lgl) Value('1') /* Switch + 0 = No Daylight Savings Time + 1 = Daylight Savings Time */ Dcl Var(&Target_Sys) Type(*Char) Len(30) Dcl Var(&UTCSysVal) Type(*Char) Len(5) Dcl Var(&UTC) Type(*Dec) Len(2 0) Dcl Var(&UTCSign) Type(*Char) Len(1) Dcl Var(&HH) Type(*Char) Len(2) Dcl Var(&MM) Type(*Char) Len(2) Dcl Var(&SS) Type(*Char) Len(2) Dcl Var(&HH#) Type(*Dec) Len(2 0) Dcl Var(&Time) Type(*Char) Len(6) Dcl Var(&QTime) Type(*Char) Len(6) Dcl Var(&TargetSys#) Type(*Dec) Len(2 0) Dcl Var(&Check_By) Type(*Char) Len(2) Value('IP') Dcl Var(&MsgDta) Type(*Char) Len(256) /*?Retrieve program name / library Variables?*/ DCL VAR(&PgmInfo) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(80) DCL VAR(&PgmName) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) DCL VAR(&PgmLib) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) /*?QCLSCAN Variables?*/ Dcl Var(&String) Type(*Char) Len(132) Dcl Var(&StrLen) Type(*Dec) Len(3 0) Value(132) Dcl Var(&StrPos) Type(*Dec) Len(3 0) Value(1) Dcl Var(&Pattern) Type(*Char) Len(1) + Value(':') Dcl Var(&PatLen) Type(*Dec) Len(3 0) Value(1) DCL VAR(&UTCNIST) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(9) + Value('UTC(NIST)') DCL VAR(&UTCNISTLen) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(3 0) Value(9) Dcl Var(&Translate) Type(*Char) Len(1) Value('0') Dcl Var(&Trim) Type(*Char) Len(1) Value('0') Dcl Var(&Wild) Type(*Char) Len(1) Value(' ') Dcl Var(&Result) Type(*Dec) Len(3 0) Value(1) /*?QUTCOFFSET Variable?*/ Dcl Var(&DayOfWeek) Type(*CHAR) Len(4) DCL VAR(&Month) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(2) DCL VAR(&Day) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(2) DCL VAR(&QHour) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(2) /*?File in QTEMP that will be parsed for time string?*/ DclF File(FtpTimeLog) /********************************************************************/ /*? Let's begin ?*/ /*?Get this program name and library is in?*/ ChgVar Var(%bin(&PgmInfo 1 4)) Value(80) ChgVar Var(%bin(&PgmInfo 5 4)) Value(80) ChgVar Var(%bin(&PgmInfo 9 4)) Value(0) ChgVar Var(%bin(&PgmInfo 13 4)) Value(0) CallPrc Prc('_MATPGMNM') Parm(&PgmInfo) ChgVar Var(&PgmLib) Value(%sst(&PgmInfo 19 10)) ChgVar Var(&PgmName) Value(%sst(&PgmInfo 51 10)) /*?First, check for internet access. I've though is very unlikely ?*/ /*?that Yahoo and Google are both down (but one never knows :) ?*/ /*?We can not ping the time server(s), since not all of them ?*/ /*?respond to ping. ?*/ Ping RmtSys( MsgMode(*Quiet *Escape) /*?If no response, give it one more try?*/ MonMsg MsgID(TCP3210) Exec(Do) Ping RmtSys( MsgMode(*Quiet *Escape) MonMsg MsgID(TCP3210) Exec(Do) /*?No internet access. Send message and split?*/ SndPgmMsg MsgID(CPF9898) MsgF(QCPFMSG) MsgDta('There + is no internet access from AS/400.') + ToUsr(*SYSOPR) MsgType(*ESCAPE) GoTo CmdLbl(ThaEnd) EndDo EndDo /*?Create a temporary file to hold errors, if any ?*/ DltF File(QTEMP/FtpTimeErr) MonMsg MsgID(CPF0000) CrtPF File(QTEMP/FtpTimeErr) RcdLen(132) + Mbr(FtpTimeErr) Set_Target: /*?All targets system were checked?*/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 14) Then(Do) /*?No target system responded by IP or name, send error?*/ If Cond(&Check_By = ' ') Then(GoTo CmdLbl(Error)) /*?Reset target system number and check by name?*/ Chgvar Var(&TargetSys#) Value(0) Chgvar Var(&Check_By) Value(' ') EndDo Chgvar Var(&TargetSys#) Value(&TargetSys# + 1) /*?If Target System > 1 then log errors from previous attempt ?*/ If Cond(&TargetSys# > 1 *or &TargetSys# = 1 + *and &Check_By *ne 'IP') Then(CpyF + FromFile(QTEMP/FtpTimeLog) + ToFile(QTEMP/FtpTimeErr) MbrOpt(*Add) + FmtOpt(*NoChk)) /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 1) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 2) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 3) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) + Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 4) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) + Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 5) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) + Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 6) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 7) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 8) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 9) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 10) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 11) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 12) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 13) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) + Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /**/ If Cond(&TargetSys# = 14) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) + Value('') If Cond(&Check_By = 'IP') Then(+ ChgVar Var(&Target_Sys) Value('')) EndDo /*?Delete/Create the FTP transfer log file and override ?*/ DltF File(QTEMP/FtpTimeLog) MonMsg MsgID(CPF0000) CrtPF File(QTEMP/FtpTimeLog) RcdLen(132) + Mbr(FtpTimeLog) OvrDbF File(Input) ToFile(*LIBL/QTXTSRC) + MBR(FtpTimeCmd) OvrDbF File(Output) ToFile(QTEMP/FtpTimeLog) + Mbr(FtpTimeLog) /*?Execute FTP transfer and get rid of overrides. ?*/ StrTCPFTP RmtSys(&Target_Sys) Port(13) DltOvr File(*ALL) /*?Parse FtpTimeLog File for time string ?*/ Read_Again: RcvF /*?End of file and record not found. Check next server?*/ MonMsg MsgID(CPF0864) Exec(GoTo CmdLbl(Set_Target)) /*?Find the line containing 'UTC(NIST)' - that's where the time is ?*/ ChgVar Var(&String) Value(&FtpTimeLog) Call Pgm(QCLSCAN) Parm(&String &StrLen &StrPos + &UTCNIST &UTCNISTLen '1' '1' &Wild &Result) /*?If not found, read next record?*/ If Cond(&Result = 0) Then(GoTo CmdLbl(Read_Again)) /*?Now scan for ':' to get Time position. Convert the string to ?*/ /*?HH MM SS Values ?*/ Call Pgm(QCLSCAN) Parm(&String &StrLen &StrPos + &Pattern &PatLen &Translate &Trim &Wild + &Result) /*?Time ':' not found in string = error?*/ If Cond(&Result = 0) Then(GoTo CmdLbl(Error)) /*?Calculate new Time ?*/ /*?Set UTC Time string received from Time server?*/ ChgVar Var(&Result) Value(&Result - 2) ChgVar VAR(&HH) Value(%sst(&FtpTimeLog &Result 2)) ChgVar Var(&Result) Value(&Result + 3) ChgVar Var(&MM) Value(%SST(&FtpTimeLog &Result 2)) ChgVar Var(&Result) Value(&Result + 3) ChgVar Var(&SS) Value(%SST(&FtpTimeLog &Result 2)) /*?Get UTC Time offset hours and + or - sign from sysval?*/ RtvSysVal SysVal(QUTCOFFSET) RtnVar(&UTCSysVal) ChgVar Var(&UTCSign) Value(%SST(&UTCSysVal 1 1)) ChgVar Var(&UTC) Value(%SST(&UTCSysVal 2 2)) /*?Set Daylight Savings Time, if necessary (QUTCOFFSET)?*/ /*?Eastern Standard Time = UTC -5 Hours? */ /*?Eastern Daylight Savings Time = UTC -4 Hours? */ If Cond(&DST) Then(Do) /*?Ensure that this is a Sunday and AFTER 02:00 AM?*/ RtvSysVal SysVal(QDAYOFWEEK) RtnVar(&DayOfWeek) RtvSysVal SysVal(QHOUR) RtnVar(&QHour) If Cond(&DayOfWeek *eq '*SUN' *and &QHour *GE + '02') Then(Do) RtvSysVal SysVal(QMONTH) RtnVar(&Month) RtvSysVal SysVal(QDAY) RtnVar(&Day) /*?1st Sunday in April start Daylight Saving Time?*/ If Cond(&Month = '04' *and &Day *LE '07') + Then(ChgVar Var(&UTCSysVal) Value('-0400')) /*?Last Sunday in October end Daylight Saving Time?*/ If Cond(&Month = '10' *and &Day *GE '25') + Then(ChgVar Var(&UTCSysVal) Value('-0500')) EndDo /* If *SUN, after 02:00 AM */ EndDo /* DST ='1' */ /*?End Daylight Savings Time settings?*/ ChgVar Var(&HH#) Value(&HH) If Cond(&UTCSign = '-') Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&HH#) Value(&HH# - &UTC) If Cond(&HH# < 0) Then(ChgVar Var(&HH#) + Value(24 + &HH#)) EndDo Else Cmd(Do) /* &UTCSign = '+' */ ChgVar Var(&HH#) Value(&HH# + &UTC) If Cond(&HH# > 23) Then(ChgVar Var(&HH#) + Value(&HH# - 24)) EndDo ChgVar Var(&HH) Value(&HH#) /*?Change system Value QTIME and, if necessary, QUTCOFFSET ?*/ If Cond(&Update) Then(Do) ChgVar Var(&Time) Value(&HH || &MM || &SS) RtvSysVal SysVal(QTIME) RtnVar(&QTIME) ChgSysVal SysVal(QTIME) Value(&TIME) If Cond(&DST) Then(ChgSysVal SysVal(QUTCOFFSET) + Value(&UTCSysVal)) /*?Set up the good compleation message?*/ ChgVar Var(&MsgDta) Value(&PgmLib *tcat '/' *cat + &PgmName *bcat 'has changed system time + from' *bcat %sst(&QTime 1 2) + *cat ':' *cat %sst(&QTime 3 2) *cat ':' + *cat %sst(&QTime 5 2) *bcat 'to' + *bcat &HH *cat ':' *cat &MM *cat + ':' *cat &SS) /*?If Daylight Savings time, set swith to On/Off?*/ If Cond(&DST) Then(Do) If Cond(&UTCSysVal = '-0500') Then(ChgVar + Var(&MsgDta) Value(&MsgDta *bcat '- + Daylight Savings Time is Off.')) If Cond(&UTCSysVal = '-0400') Then(ChgVar + Var(&MsgDta) Value(&MsgDta *bcat '- + Daylight Savings Time is ON!')) EndDo SndPgmMsg MsgID(CPF9898) MsgF(QCPFMSG) MsgDta(&MsgDta) + ToUsr(*SYSOPR) MsgType(*INFO) EndDo /* If Update */ Return /* Good completion */ /*?On error send mesage ?*/ Error: OvrPrtF File(QSYSPRT) SplFName(Ftp_Time) If Cond(&TargetSys# = 1 *and Check_By = 'IP') + Then(CpyF FromFile(QTEMP/FtpTimeLog) + ToFile(*PRINT) FmtOpt(*NoChk)) If Cond(Check_By *ne 'IP') Then(CpyF + FromFile(QTEMP/FtpTimeErr) ToFile(*PRINT) + FmtOpt(*Nochk)) DltOvr File(QSYSPRT) SndPgmMsg MsgID(CPF9898) MsgF(QCPFMSG) MsgDta(&PgmLib + *tcat '/' *cat &PgmName *bcat 'ended in + ERROR! Check joblog for details, or + review the FTP_TIME spool file.') + ToUsr(*SYSOPR) MsgType(*ESCAPE) ThaEnd: EndPgm
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