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Image Copying Deterrent
Note: In code examples I add a period after each left arrow bracket so the code can be viewed in all email programs. If you copy and paste, be sure to remove the periods or it won't work. Nothing will stop someone from stealing your images if they are determined, but you can make it as difficult as possible and thwart the majority of would-be thieves. Instead of just placing an image on your page, place it inside a modified span tag, like this: <.span oncontextmenu="return false;" ondragstart="return false"> <.img src="picture.jpg"> <./span> If they right click to copy or save your image when it's coded like this, or if they try to drag and drop it to save it, they won't have any luck in about 95% of the browsers in use. From: THE INTERNET TUTOR Thursday,September 12, 2002 by Boogie Jack
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