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EXCEL Data Transfer Add-in
Q. I used to have an option within Excel 97 to transfer data from the AS/400 directly into an Excel spreadsheet, but this option disappeared
after I installed Microsoft Office 2000. I'm running Client Access V3R2 and OS/400 V4R4. Do you know how I can reinstate this option?
A. Upgrading to Office 2000 removes the Client Access Excel Data Transfer Add-In that the Client Access installation added to Excel 97.
Although you could restore this add-in by reinstalling Client Access, there's an easier way to replace it. First, start Excel 2000, and then
select the Tools menu and the Add-Ins option. Doing this displays Excel's Add-Ins dialog box. To add the Client Access Data Transfer
Add-In to Excel 2000, click Browse and then navigate to the \Program Files\IBM\Client Access\Shared directory. Select the cwbtfxla.xll
file, and then click OK.
Make sure that the Transfer Data From an AS/400 option is checked, and then click OK to add the Client Access Data Transfer Add-In to the
Excel 2000 environment. Excel then adds a new Transfer Data from an AS/400 option to its toolbar and Data menu.
Incidentally, if you installed Excel 95 or 97 after installing Client Access Express, you will also have to manually install the add-in as
described above.
Adapted from an answer by Michael Otey
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