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How To Save Your Win98 (And Other) Updates Offline
From: The LangaList Plus! TEXT Edition 2003-03-20 An Email Newsletter from Fred Langa That Helps You Get More From Your Hardware, Software, and Time Online There's no single patch with all Win98 updates in it, but there's a way to get all the separate patches, including some "cumulative" patches that combine several (but not all) separate patches into one larger download. It's easy--- actually much easier than it used to be: Go to Windows Update; select "Personalize" from "Other Options" in the left menu, and activate the "Display the link to the Windows Catalog" option, if you have not already done so. The Catalog will appear in the "See Also" menu on the left. You can then use the Catalog to pull down whatever Updates and Drivers you want. (It also gives you an easy way to see what you've already downloaded.) Items you select go onto a "download basket" from which you can retrieve and place them where ever you want--- on your hard drive, on a CD or whatever--- for safekeeping and later use.
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