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Telnet Device Initialization Exit Program

For Telxon PTC-960SL terminals, here is a "telnet device initialization exit program" to assign names to the devices.

This is a program that runs on the AS/400 when the PTC connects, and assigns a device name, etc. Here's a link to the relevant online manual: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com:80/cgi-bin/bookmgr/BOOKS/qb3anl03/E.5.1

Here's the program (written in RPG IV at V4R5) in case that's useful to you:

      **         Telnet Device Initialization Exit Program
      **  This prorgram is run by OS/400 as an "exit program".   It
      **  is used to figure out which device names to assign to incoming
      **  TELNET clients.  (People connecting via TCP/IP)
      **  To Compile:
      **  To Install:
      **           PGMNBR(*LOW) PGM(LIBRARY/ISOTELIR4)

      ** This IBM-supplied proc converts an IP address to the
      **  "dotted octet" format ( is dotted octet)
     D inet_ntoa       PR              *   ExtProc('inet_ntoa')
     D  ulong_addr                   10U 0 VALUE

      ** This program executes a CL command
     D Cmd             PR                  ExtPgm('QCMDEXC')
     D   Command                    200A   const
     D   Length                      15P 5 const

      ** Local sub-procedure to determine if a device is available
      **   for us to use.  (i.e. Is the device already in use?)
     D IsActiveDevice  PR             1N
     D   peObject                    10A   const

      ** Parameters
     D peUserDscInfo   S              1A
     D peDevDscInfo    S              1A
     D peCnnDscInfo    S              1A
     D peEnvOpt        S              1A
     D peEnvOptLen     S             10I 0
     D peAllowConn     S              1A
     D peAutoSignOn    S              1A

      ** Local (module-level) variables
     D wkConnIP        S             16A

      ** User Description Info Structure
     D p_UserDscInfo   S               *   inz(*NULL)
     D dsUserDscInfo   DS                  based(p_UserDscInfo)
     D  dsUserLen                    10I 0
     D  dsUserProfile                10A
     D  dsUserCurLib                 10A
     D  dsUserProgram                10A
     D  dsUserMenu                   10A

      ** Device Description Info Structure
     D p_DevDscInfo    S               *   inz(*NULL)
     D dsDevDscInfo    DS                  based(p_DevDscInfo)
     D  dsDevName                    10A
     D  dsDevFormat                   8A
     D  dsDevReserved                 2A
     D  dsDevAttrOff                 10I 0
     D  dsDevAttrLen                 10I 0

      ** Display Device Description Information Structure
      **  (fields specific to displays as opposed to printers)
     D p_DDDI          S               *   inz(*NULL)
     D dsDDDI          DS                  based(p_DDDI)
     D  dsDDDIkbid                    3A
     D  dsDDDIreserv                  1A
     D  dsDDDIcodepg                 10I 0
     D  dsDDDIchrset                 10I 0

      ** Connection Description Info structure
     D p_CnnDscInfo    S               *   inz(*NULL)
     D dsCnnDscInfo    DS                  based(p_CnnDscInfo)
     D  dsCnnLen                     10I 0
     D  dsCnnAddr                    20A
     D  dsCnnPWvalid                  1A
     D  dsCnnWStype                  12A

      ** Internet Protocol (IP) address structure
     D p_Addr          S               *
     D dsAddr          DS                  based(p_Addr)
     D  dsAddrLen                     3I 0
     D  dsAddrFamily                  3I 0
     D  dsAddrPort                    5U 0
     D  dsAddrIP                     10U 0

     c     *entry        plist
     c                   parm                    peUserDscInfo
     c                   parm                    peDevDscInfo
     c                   parm                    peCnnDscInfo
     c                   parm                    peEnvOpt
     c                   parm                    peEnvOptLen
     c                   parm                    peAllowConn
     c                   parm                    peAutoSignOn

     c                   eval      p_UserDscInfo = %addr(peUserDscInfo)
     c                   eval      p_DevDscInfo = %addr(peDevDscInfo)
     c                   eval      p_CnnDscInfo = %addr(peCnnDscInfo)

     C* If less than 24 bytes were passed, abort before we do any damage
     c                   if        dsCnnLen < 24
     c                   callp(E)  Cmd('SNDMSG MSG(''ISOTELIR4: Not enough'+
     c                             ' connection information!'')' +
     c                             ' TOUSR(KLEMSCOT)':200)
     c                   eval      *inlr = *on
     c                   return
     c                   endif

     C* Display Info & IP Addr structures depend upon info found in
     C*   the Device Desc and Conn Desc structures.  Set them based
     C*   on the passed values.
     c                   eval      p_DDDI = p_DevDscInfo + dsDevAttrOff
     c                   eval      p_Addr = %addr(dsCnnAddr)

     C*  Abort program if IP address info is weird or not there.
     c                   if        dsAddrLen < 8
     c                   callp(E)  Cmd('SNDMSG MSG(''Address is only ' +
     c                             %trim(%editc(dsAddrLen:'N')) +
     c                             ' bytes long!'') TOUSR(KLEMSCOT)':200)
     c                   eval      *inlr = *on
     c                   return
     c                   endif
     c                   if        dsAddrFamily <> 2
     c                   callp(E)  Cmd('SNDMSG MSG(''Address is not ' +
     c                             'in IP v4 format!'') TOUSR(KLEMSCOT)':
     c                             200)
     c                   eval      *inlr = *on
     c                   return
     c                   endif

     C* Get IP address in dotted-decimal format
     c                   eval      wkConnIP = %str(inet_ntoa(dsAddrIP))

     C* This fancy code will assign the first session from Scott's PC
     C*  at home to 'W3', the 2nd to 'W7', the 3rd to 'A5' and the
     C*  remainder to QPADEVxxxx
     C* This is mainly here for example code.  (manually forcing the
     C*  device name to be set is pointless w/RUMBA 2000, Linux tn5250,
     C*  newer versions of Client Access, etc)
     c                   if        wkConnIP = ''
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'W3'
     c                   if        IsActiveDevice(dsDevName)
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'W7'
     c                   if        IsActiveDevice(dsDevName)
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'A5'
     c                   endif
     c                   endif
     c                   endif

     C* Assign device names for Misc IP addresses.
     C*   (Also see "Safety Net" below)
     c                   select
     C* MMM's PC
     c                   when      wkConnIP = ''
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'W6'
     C* RF Terminals
     c                   when      wkConnIP = ''
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'RF1'
     c                   when      wkConnIP = ''
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'RF2'
     c                   when      wkConnIP = ''
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'RF3'
     c                   when      wkConnIP = ''
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'RF4'
     c                   when      wkConnIP = ''
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'RF5'
     c                   when      wkConnIP = ''
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'RF6'
     c                   when      wkConnIP = ''
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'RF7'
     c                   when      wkConnIP = ''
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'RF8'
     c                   when      wkConnIP = ''
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'RF9'
     c                   when      wkConnIP = ''
     c                   eval      dsDevName = 'RF10'
     c                   endsl

     C* This is a "Safety Net".  If our device name is
     C*  active (or unavailable) fall back to QPADEVxxxx by setting the
     C*  device name to *blanks
     c                   if        dsDevName <> *blanks
     c                   if        IsActiveDevice(dsDevName)
     c                   eval      dsDevName = *blanks
     c                   endif
     c                   endif

     c                   eval      *inlr = *on
     c                   return

     P*  Check to see if a device name is available for us to use.
     P*  Usually, if its unavailable its because the device is already
     P*  in use (thus the procedure name)
     P*  Note that if an error occurs, we will return *OFF (device not
     P*  active).   This will, essentially, cause the device to fall
     P*  back to a QPADEVxxxx device name, thanks to the "Safety Net"
     P*  coded above.
     P IsActiveDevice  B
     D IsActiveDevice  PI             1N
     D   peObject                    10A   const

      ** Create User Space API
     D CrtUsrSpc       PR                  ExtPgm('QUSCRTUS')
     D   peUsrSpc                    20A   CONST
     D   peExtAtr                    10A   CONST
     D   peInitSiz                   10I 0 CONST
     D   peInitVal                    1A   CONST
     D   pePubAuth                   10A   CONST
     D   peText                      50A   CONST
     D   peReplace                   10A   CONST
     D   peErrors                   256A

      ** Retrieve Pointer to User Space API
     D RtvPtrUS        PR                  ExtPgm('QUSPTRUS')
     D   peUsrSpc                    20A   CONST
     D   pePointer                     *

      ** API Error Code Structure
     D dsEC            DS
     D  dsECBytesP             1      4I 0 INZ(256)
     D  dsECBytesA             5      8I 0 INZ(0)
     D  dsECMsgID              9     15
     D  dsECReserv            16     16
     D  dsECMsgDta            17    256

      ** List Configuration Descriptions API
     D ListCfgDesc     PR                  ExtPgm('QDCLCFGD')
     D   QualUsrSpc                  20A   const
     D   Format                       8A   const
     D   CfgDescType                 10A   const
     D   ObjQualif                   40A   const
     D   StatQualif                  20A   const
     D   ErrorCode                  256A

      ** (Generic) Structure for API List Headers
     D p_UsrSpc        S               *
     D dsLH            DS                   BASED(p_UsrSpc)
     D*                                     Filler
     D   dsLHFill1                  103A
     D*                                     Status (I=Incomplete,C=Complete
     D*                                             F=Partially Complete)
     D   dsLHStatus                   1A
     D*                                     Filler
     D   dsLHFill2                   12A
     D*                                     Header Offset
     D   dsLHHdrOff                  10I 0
     D*                                     Header Size
     D   dsLHHdrSiz                  10I 0
     D*                                     List Offset
     D   dsLHLstOff                  10I 0
     D*                                     List Size
     D   dsLHLstSiz                  10I 0
     D*                                     Count of Entries in List
     D   dsLHEntCnt                  10I 0
     D*                                     Size of a single entry
     D   dsLHEntSiz                  10I 0

      ** List Entries for List Cfg Desc API
     D p_Cfg           S               *
     D dsCfg           DS                  based(p_Cfg)
     D   dsCfgStatus                 10I 0
     D   dsCfgName                   10A
     D   dsCfgCatg                   10A
     D   dsCfgHRStat                 20A
     D   dsCfgText                   50A
     D   dsCfgJob                    10A
     d   dsCfgUser                   10A
     d   dsCfgNbr                     6A
     D   dsCfgPasThr                 10A
     D   dsCfgAPIFmt                  8A
     D   dsCfgCmdSuf                  4A

      ** Local (procedure-level) variables
     D wwEntry         S             10I 0

     C* create a user space & get a pointer to it
     c                   callp     CrtUsrSpc('ISOTELIR4 QTEMP':'USRSPC':
     c                              16*1024: x'00':'*ALL': *blanks:
     c                             '*YES': dsEC)
     c                   if        dsECBytesA > 0
     c                   return    *OFF
     c                   endif
     c                   callp     RtvPtrUS('ISOTELIR4 QTEMP': p_UsrSpc)

     C* dump config descriptions into this user space
     c                   callp     ListCfgDesc('ISOTELIR4 QTEMP':
     c                                   'CFGD0200': '*DEVD': peObject:
     c                                   '*GE       *VARYOFF': dsEC)
     c                   if        dsECBytesA > 0
     c                   return    *OFF
     c                   endif

     c                   if        dsLHEntCnt < 1
     c                   return    *OFF
     c                   endif

     C*  Find our description in the user space if
     C*    its in there...
     c                   do        dsLHEntCnt    wwEntry
     c                   eval      p_Cfg = p_UsrSpc + dsLHLstOff +
     c                                  ((wwEntry-1)*dsLHEntSiz)
     c                   if        dsCfgName = peObject
     c                   if        (dsCfgStatus<>20 and dsCfgStatus<>30
     c                               and dsCfgStatus<>0)
     c                               or dsCfgJob <> *blanks
     c                   return    *ON
     c                   leave
     c                   else
     c                   return    *OFF
     c                   leave
     c                   endif
     c                   endif
     c                   enddo

     c                   return    *OFF
     P                 E

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Tips and Techniques accumulated by Thomas Bishop from various sources including, but not limited to, Midrange-L, RPG-L, Midrange Computing, and News/400.
Copyright © 2002  [Thomas Bishop]. All rights reserved. Revised: August 11, 2001.